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Move token using Rest API in IBM BPM

Why do you need this ?

There can be multiple reasons to move token, like:-

Suppose you are on a step and after some action "Save execution context" is implemented in between, then you need to move the token and point to the same step.

Step 1: Open Rest API

Select "Business Process Manager REST APIs",then select "Process API", then select "Current State".

Step 2:Enter Process Instance Id(In this case-670) & then Click on Execute Call.

Step 3:Look for Token Id (In this case Token Id-5)

Step 4: Look for Source Step Id (In this case -a0649e22-26fc-4529-8055-9775b6eae14c)

Step 5: In Process API list Click on "Move Token".
Step 6: Fill Process Instance ID,Token ID & Target Step Id, Then  click on execute call.

Step 7:Status 200 shows that Token moved successfully.


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